Only remembrance and love ליבע can conquer death and destruction!

The Open Republic Association commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising with a public multimedia event created by artist Gabi von Seltmann. This ceremony was a virtual reconstruction of the Great Synagogue, demolished by the Germans after the Ghetto Uprising, using historical images, sounds and emotions. Archival recordings of the cantor of the Great Synagogue, Gerszon Sirota, who died in the Warsaw ghetto, and fragments of the poem Bashert, read by its author, Irena Klepfisz, daughter of Michał, a soldier of the Jewish Combat Organisation, was played during the ceremony.
During the projection appears the word LOVE/ליבע because only remembrance and love ליבע can conquer death and destruction!

The 19 of April 2018 come 3,5 thousand viewers to see this projection in the night. And more than 2 thousand people could also see online this projection.

Director: Gabi von Seltmann
Sound collage: Marcin Lenarczyk
Poem Bashert: Irena Klepfisz
Visual design and animation: Elwira Wojtunik, Popesz Csaba Láng / Elektro Moon Vision
Archival pictures: The Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute, The Warsaw Rising Museum

Association against anti-Semitism and Xenophobia Open Republic

The Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN

Andrzej, Małgorzata Rojek
Irene Kronhill Pletka and The Kronhill Pletka Foundation
The Róża Luksemburg Foundation

The Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute